
3 Social Media Marketing Tips You Can Learn From Bobrisky
Bobrisky is very well known for his unique personality and outrageous comments. So if you are not a fan, just take a step back for a moment. I promise this will be worth your time. And think like a marketer for a few minutes.
One thing we have to agree on is that he get’s people’s attention every single time. And what is Social Media Marketing if not getting attention and making people talk about you constantly. I think people get too sentimental about marketing. What’s the difference between a brand you love and one you hate? Nothing. They both have your attention. In fact, I can bet the brand you detest the most is the one you talk about the most.
Being on the social space means you get to see what is happening offline and every time i see people mentioning Bobrisky, i go, “Wow. That’s some serious marekting for him, there.” Because this is the secret to how things go viral: people watch/read it, find it crazy, funny or outrageous.Then they tell their freinds about it and those friends tell their own friends and it spreads like a virus. From one person to the other.
So here are 3 things Bobrisky Can Teach you About Social Media Marketing
1. Brand yourself. Find your unique selling point and focus on it. In other words, find what sets you apart and stick to it. Either that or disappear into the ever growing sea of tweets, images, and videos. And Bobrisky has done this so well. He’s carved out a place for himself and people are forced to recognize it whether they agree or not. Branding your business or yourself gives you an identity that people recognize at a glance. It sets you apart from the crowd.
2. Be confident in what you do and the value you add. Never give up or take no for an answer. You don’t ever hear doubts coming from Bobrisky. He is fearless and his posts and stories show that. For instance, you can imagine the hate comments he got when he stated he is “prettier than 70% of Nigerian women“. LOL. I’m sure many people did’t see that one coming. But he got a lot of engagement, reshares, articles on a lot of blogs and news sites. In order words, being very different gets you attention. You would think that he would discouraged by the amount of negativity he receives on a daily basis. But he never backs down. Own your space.
3. Lastly, always respond to your audience. Even the negative ones. Don’t leave your audience hanging when they say something about your brand or business. Because people relate better to those who listen to them. And the way you show you are listening is by replying their comments. Bobrisky never let’s a comment go by without giving a concise response. For everyone who leaves a negative comment, there’s a response for that person. Believe it or not, it show’s he’s listening.
People buy from and connect with people on social media. In other words, be a human being and not a robot when engaging with your audience. Use their names, speak their language and fascinate them with your content.
Do you have any more tips you can think of? Share with us!