The Little Rascals – My 2018 Review

Today, I decided to share my bulleted review of the 1994 American Family Comedy Movie, The Little Rascals, and just as I was about typing, I discovered Donald Trump was actually Waldo’s dad. Waldo was the arrogant blue-eyed rich dude, who contested Alfafa for Darla’s love and was always attacking the little rascals.
The Little Rascals movie is as old as myself but I always get excited anytime I re-watch or listen to the last song. By the way, for those who haven’t gotten the real version of that last stage performance, it was sung by UB40 – I Got You Babe!
Actually, there’s so much to say about the movie, but I’d just trim down my thoughts to these 18 little rascals nuggets;
- Don’t skip school!
- Don’t be a proud, jealous, slimy, rich loner!
- As much as you can, surround yourself with loyal friends.
- Make smart friends!
- We all can’t be leaders, be supportive while you can (especially when he’s trying to impress a babe).

- Nothing beats teamwork, you’d achieve more with the best people on your team.
- No matter how smart you think you are, don’t block your ears to advice. No one is an Island!
- This is for the Men; make money and the ladies will come around. (Ask Darla – at some point, I called her “Owo Epo!”
- Never make a bet and if you do, tighten your loose edges.
- Ideas are everywhere, all you have to do is think!
- Never give up, always keep the faith!
- Women have a fragile heart, you may have to put in some efforts if you want them on your side.
- Never lose guard of your surroundings, someone might be out to get you.
- As much as you can, be the encourager.
- Learn to love, it’s a beautiful thing.
- Don’t take advantage of others because you can.
- Be like Darla, get a brown belt in Karate! and lastly;
- Learn to forgive!

If you haven’t seen this hilarious movie, you should do so this weekend, you definitely won’t regret you did.
It’s a new month and would be a perfect time to drop all the toxic habits you’ve always talked about dropping, make sure you pick up new positive ones too.
We’d like to do business with you as soon as possible, do send a message and have a blissful weekend!
Enjoy the New Month!