Our Culture – Love

The comfort zone is a great place to be. The bad part is, nothing significant ever happens in the comfort zone. We all must grow up at some point, get out to see the world and make something productive for ourselves.
In the process, we meet some people, some we appreciate and some, we don’t. If we’re lucky, we meet good friends, friends who stay, friends who turn family.
We’re trained differently, we got different interests, different goals, and different principles. We are not flawless and our shortcomings are immeasurable. We don’t have the same fashion sense, movie taste, like the same food, or cook the same way.
Actually, some of us despise garnished dishes, while some of us are really unadventurous with food. Our opinion on love is different, we see religion through different eyes and judge a situation based on our personal experiences.
Yes. We are totally different, but we cherish our differences. We try as much as possible to understand from each other’s point of view and tolerate the mightiest of mistakes. Our personalities are different, but we’ve grown to a point where we know how best to treat each other. That’s what love is about.
We can’t all be the same and want the same things out of life, but we have to tolerate our shortcomings, work together and create something marvellous.

Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you didn’t meet certain people? Would life be fun, awkward, hard, or just plain boring? Would you have learned everything you know today? Will you have discovered that part of you that needed exploitation or the part you need to shed off?
Sometimes, we sit back and imagine Aggital combination, it’s annoyingly great and hilarious too. We just wonder what the office would be like if one of us wasn’t a part of the team and what they would be doing if we were out of the picture.
That imagination isn’t one we want to keep dwelling in, so we just snap out of it and enjoy the moment. We are really good at savagery, we roast each other without mercy, criticize one another, mimic every comic act and in the end, we never forget to support each other.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 talks about what love is and what love isn’t. Patience, kindness, perseverance, hope, protection, trust, are all features of love.
On the other hand, love is not boastful, it’s not proud, it doesn’t dishonour others, it’s not self-seeking neither is it easily angered. Love keeps no record of wrongs and always rejoices with the truth.
This part of the Bible is our love manual. It’s a part of what makes us stick together, a part of what makes Aggital actually “work”.

No matter how much we understand each other, we still disagree and anger the next person. The fact is, this is unavoidable. Two lovers have to disagree, it’s how they grow in love and learn to understand each other more.
When we experience this moment, it doesn’t last for long because asides the fact that it’s a sin, we basically won’t function properly.
We know, very well, we can never be together forever, but while we still have this time, we plan on spending it to value and cherish the connection.
So far, we have learned a lot from our experience together and we plan on learning more. Asides the wise facts we’ve learned, our inside jokes are so perfect plus we even have an Aggital register, where we created special meanings for various words.
The disagreements, encouragement, support, fellowship, savagery, inside jokes, word register, and corporation, is what keeps Aggital together. We are glad we found each other and wouldn’t trade the bond for anything.
So, we just let you in on another vital part of our world. We’d like to get a glimpse of yours too. What does love mean to you? How do you express love to people around you? Your comments will definitely make our day, don’t forget to show some love to someone today.