12 Useful Mind Mapping Tools Guaranteed to Improve your Productivity.

admin July 10, 2018 0 Comments
12 Useful Brainstorming Tools Guaranteed to Improve your Productivity.

In our previous blog post, we talked about brainstorming and its downside, as well as switching to brain-writing. The blog post isn’t an ultimate reason to shove brainstorming aside, so we decided to make a simple list of mind mapping tools that can be of help during your brainstorming sessions.

Depending on preference, there are free plans as well as paid plans and the functionality of the applications vary too. You can always work with any tool you consider suitable.


Coggle is an online tool for creating and sharing mind maps. It’s a web application so you don’t need to download or install. Whether you’re taking notes, brainstorming, planning, or doing something creative, it’s super simple to visualize your ideas with Coggle. Changes you make will show up instantly in their browser, wherever they are in the world.


MindMeister is an online mind mapping tool that lets you capture, develop and share ideas visually. The mind map editor is perfect for brainstorming, note taking, project planning and tons of other creative tasks. MindMeister is completely web-based too, which means there’s no download or updating required.


With iMindMap, you can visually plan projects, simplify data, break down challenges and present ideas. Use the unique, free-form brainstorm view to organize, categorize and prioritize ideas on a limitless corkboard.


Use mind maps for brainstorming and understanding ideas revolving around a central topic, use concept maps to see how concepts are connected and also use outlines to refine maps and save them in a linear way.


Wisemapping offers a free mind mapping tool for teams and individuals. Unlike other mind mapping tools, if there’s a feature you’d like to add to make the solution better, they offer a sponsorship program where you can fund or raise money to build the new feature.


Amongst other mind mapping tools, you can use your ezTalks meetings everywhere for online meetings, video webinar, telecommuting, telemedicine and online education. The video and web conferencing features are completely effortless.

12 Useful Mind Mapping Tools Guaranteed to Improve your Productivity.

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