Aggital Culture: TeamWork

There’s a story about teamwork called the “Aesop Fable”, it’s titled “The belly and its members”. The fable talks about how the other parts of the body, the Teeth, Mouth, Hand, Legs, and the rest, ganged up against the Belly. “Oh lazy Belly! You always sit there doing absolutely nothing while we do all the work!” So, they had a meeting with each other and decided to stop working until the Belly resort’s to join them.
They did go on work strike, the Mouth refused to take in food, Hands and legs stopped functioning, and the teeth, of course, had no work to do. After a while, they all started to feel feeble and that was when they realized that even the belly in its quiet way, was doing very necessary work for the body.
You know what makes us grow? TEAMWORK!
Just like a bunch of broom cannot be broken, we cannot be broken as long as we’re working together.

Teamwork is a fuse of individual strengths and virtues, complimenting each other and producing a nice blend of efficient results. Every time, we try to share the workload and help each other out in every way possible. Of course, brainstorming is a lot of work, it ends up being fun when some crazy ideas pop up.
On each project we get to execute, all heads are put together and everyone brings something to the table; no one is left out. Sometimes, the crazy idea turns out to be what we need.
Asides the fact that teamwork is fun, no one is an island. You could be missing something and someone else has got the keys to unlock the puzzle. At Aggital, we’re heading the same direction, so it’s important we get into the buzz at the same time.
There’s a statement that keeps flying around in our office; “There’s so much work to be done” and “We exist to work!” Actually, it’s what the Oracle believes and even though the statement sometimes sounds scary, we make it work and infuse some doses of fun into it. The statement is our weapon of warfare whenever we find ourselves playing too much.

This is where passion comes in.
Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin “firmly believe(s) that the right people, not giant budget, can drive the success of a business”. At Aggital, we share a similar passion and want to achieve the same thing. The company is our baby, and who would want his/her baby to suffer? My guess is as good as yours.
Every organization goes through a break-down as well as a break-through, so does Aggital. In this period, passion is what keeps us going. Along with passion, teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.
It’s quite easy to recognize someone who’s got passion for something from someone who doesn’t. Everyone who wants a job will definitely tell you “I love this job so much and the fact that I get to serve these people brings me so much joy and fulfillment”. It’s all bullshit and most of the time, they only have a passion for not being employed or for the perks of the position rather than the job itself.

Let’s just say that there’s little to what we can achieve while working solo. We basically can’t succeed without the help of each other, whether it’s depending on someone to complete something, making the minutest contribution, or simply working together – teamwork makes everything seamless.
This is Aggital’s culture, our style, our tradition, our habit, our fashion, our vogue, our path, and we don’t think we’d be ditching it anytime soon.
What’s your culture? Does TEAMWORK work for you or not? If your answer is “Not”, you should probably re-strategize.
Here’s a tip, hire people who share your passion and teamwork wouldn’t turn out to be a Pandora’s Box!
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