Does Your Website Need A Pimp?

Once upon a time, there was a show that used to air on MTV, PIMP MY RIDE! It’s probably still been broad-casted but my days of MTV are over so I’m clueless as regards that. In case you didn’t get to see any episode, the show picks the car of a young folk in Los Angeles or anywhere else around Southern California, the car is totally out of shape and almost completely dejected. I say ‘almost’ because it still moves at least, though it looks like King Kong’s foot stool.
In case you didn’t get to see any episode, the show picks the car of a young folk in Los Angeles or anywhere else around Southern California, the car is totally out of shape and almost completely dejected. I say ‘almost’ because it still moves at least, though it looks like King Kong’s foot stool.
The popular rapper, Xhibit shows up and to cut the story short, the car gets a 100% pimp. It is designed to suit the owner’s personality, taste, and interest. When it’s done, you won’t believe it’s the same nasty ride you saw at the beginning of the show.
Just like the show, your website should suit the personality and interest of your users.
Your website is probably an afterthought or you’re totally clueless as regards how to make it work. The good news is there are some quick and easy ways to breathe life into your company website and start breaking business barriers as usual.
This content gives you reasons why your website gets high bounce rates and of course, how to fix it. So put pen to paper or finger to keyboard and get these simple tips down.

I’m sorry for dropping the word “ugly” on you like that, but if your website is hideous, users may not spend a minute even if it’s got good content. If you’re using a CMS (Content Management System) like WordPress, changing your website themes can really make a whole lot of difference. Apply simple aesthetics values for your header, images, and your visual display in general.
If a user refuses to visit the next page on Google because of time, you should already know you’d lose such user after 10 seconds of trying to load your homepage. A lot of websites which load fast have even better content than yours, so there’s no reason for a user not to ditch your retard website. This leads to a high bounce rate. Stuff like bad hosting, large image size contributes to this factor. On the other hand, optimizing your images, CSS JavaScript minification and leveraging on browser cache will help solve this. The Google page speed test helps you know how fast your page is and if it’s mobile friendly. Also, there is nothing more annoying than a broken link. Users get discouraged if this keeps occurring and it puts them off immediately. Of course, you won’t get them back tomorrow.
Creating meaningful content for your website is one of the best gifts you can give to your website. It helps to keep your audience engaged and they also want to check back for more. If you are not keen on blogging, try adding more product pages to your site. You need to make sure there is constant interaction on your site, let your audience know you’re still there and reachable also. Give them something to always look forward to.

Finally, keeping your site up to date is a vital part of running a modern day business, you should never feel out of touch with your website. Always follow the trend. While you’re executing these plans, you get high conversion rates and business is booming! Remember to keep it simple, use a readable font and adopt whitespace.
Just in case you’re thinking “I don’t think I can pull this off, it’s too much shit”, we’re one step ahead of you. All you need to do is submit your brief and we do the work!
You should lookout for the next edition of “DOES YOUR WEBSITE NEED A PIMP! It’s coming up next week Thursday and just in case you got more tips to add, you can send it in. Don’t forget to share and also reach out to us to resurrect your website!