EmmaVecca Logo Design Project

admin August 24, 2017 0 Comments
EmmaVecca Logo Design Project

It’s the festive season again and hampers full of beverages and all kinds of packed gifts would be flying around soon. You probably need a mug for your amazing boyfriend, superstar son, fantastic granddad, or even a Marvel comic mug for Daddy too. EmmaVecca got you covered!

A married couple, Emmanuel and Vecca Adeiza, successfully coined the name ‘EMMAVECCA’ as their supply and resource business name. Thereafter, Aggital was offered the opportunity to create the EmmaVecca logo design. So, just in case you’re in Lagos, you’re in luck because they are also located in Lagos.

However, they major in the procurement of all sorts of goods and supplies all around Nigeria. Also, their target majorly includes corporate organizations, individuals, group of people, schools, and the likes. So, it means they are ready to serve you as an individual and also your organization.

In addition, their main course includes the supply of various types of stationery and tailored outfits. Also included is the provision of corporate and promotional gift items which include journals, mugs, card cases, umbrellas, key rings, and a host of other essentials. EmmaVecca also supplies beverages and toiletries; air freshener, tissue paper, hand wash, hand lotion, coffee, sugar and the likes.

EmmaVecca Logo Design Project

We know you don’t like to do so much running around during festive seasons. Hence, our client engages in yuletide season service delivery i.e Christmas hampers, gift items, office and home decorations with the colors and lights. Isn’t this just beautiful and convenient for you?

So, whatsoever Christmas package you have planned for your staffs and loved ones, EmmaVecca exists to serve you at an affordable price. They also save you the stress of going through the annoying crowd in the markets. Foodstuff such as rice, vegetable oil, chicken and so much more, is also at their disposal. Most importantly, they deliver all over Nigeria and can meet you at your comfort zone.

Aggital created a simple typography EmmaVecca logo design, simple and really classy. The services are really extensive and of course, we could not exactly wrap up the numerous services they render in one design. Hence, the business name was designed in an attractive and professional way.

EmmaVecca Logo Design Project

A logo design speaks a lot about the company and we made sure the EmmaVecca logo design conveys the business’s culture to a large extent. Also, the concept of the design is based on love. Also, it portrays the company’s class as well as promote its perception in the minds of customers.

Aggital is great with colors, design, and every other thing that makes your brand your better half. We create respectable brands that place your business in the spot light. We are programmed to offer you a perfect first (and lasting) impression.

What kind of recognition do you want for your business or brand? Why don’t you decide and let us help you bring it to reality? Your desired logo is just one click away!

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