5 Reasons Why You Should Take Ten on That Side Hustle.

Firstly, you might be thinking this post is targetted as discouraging a side hustle, I’d like to clear that impression.
A side hustle is awesome. In fact, it’s the new black and also a great way to boost your personal brand. But, some things are probably not meant to be, maybe that side hustle is the wrong one, maybe you’re doing it at the wrong time, or you probably need to re-strategize.
Get It?
I wouldn’t be writing so much about why you should put that hustle on hold or why you should cancel it altogether, I’d just give you a simple checklist.
According to Alexis Grant, an Entrepreneurial Writer and Digital Strategist;
A side hustle allows you to create new opportunities and build your own brand while still gaining skills, contacts and money from the 9-5.
Her description is quite accurate but don’t you think that if you’re not getting all these “side hustle benefits“, then it’s time to move on?
Your hustle will definitely create another opportunity for you, but if that “personal brand” isn’t building up and you’re losing skills, contact, and money from your 9-5, then I strongly suggest you pack it up.
Looking from another angle, if your side hustle is dying and you don’t want to pack up, maybe you should just quit the 9-5.

5 Reasons Why You Should Quit That Side Hustle or Take a Break
1. It’s taking so much time
The only reason you’re trying to run a side hustle and still keep a 9-5 is that you love that 9-5. If you don’t love it at least, then you’re sticking with it because it comes with certain benefits you’re not ready to let go of. Time is money, you know this already. So, if your current income will be affected, you should probably prioritize and make a quick choice.
2. The cost outweighs the returns
If you choose blogging as a side hustle, your dream is to share your thought with the world and get recognized by prominent writers/writing platforms. Also, your dream is to make money off it and get cool comments and recommendations. If none of this happens over time and your blog or shared content is at the same level as when you started four years ago, please end it. It’s obviously draining your brain power but isn’t offering any value in return.
3. You’re not willing to give up anything for it
This isn’t hard to grasp. If you can’t give up that reunion, that cake-tasting session, modeling parade, or movie night to attend to your side hustle, kindly quit. It shows you’re not so passionate about it, maybe you’re doing it based on social conformity.
4. You’re constantly burned out
If you’re burned out, your brain automatically hibernates and you won’t be able to do much. Hence, you risk losing your 9-5.
5. Lack of inspiration
You’re constantly coming up with ideas and maybe you chose the wrong one to work with. It’s okay to feel uninspired about that side hustle, other ideas can offer better opportunities.
In the end, you have to know your limits and respect them. It’s okay to say no to that idea and focus on one thing at a time, opportunities are endless.