Aggital is Saying Hello August Again! Hello Christmas Jollof!

When I coined the title of this post, the first thing that crossed my mind was how Aggital would be two years old soon.
The second thought I had was Christmas!
I love the season so much and enjoy wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. Most especially, I love the feeling that comes with the season, it’s beyond perfect!
This probably sounds childish, but the truth is I get really excited when its August. For me, August means the year has ended and that Christmas feeling automatically creeps in. It’s my own way of stretching the celebration season. You have to agree with me, it’s quite short.
I begin to see everything in a new light, look at other people and just hope they have a family that cares about them just as my family does about me.
Well, this is me each time I realize August is upon us:
I’m still amazed at how we said Happy New Year “a few days ago” and now, we’re on our way to the months of “ber“.
Y’all remember how January took three good months to complete it’s stipulated “31 days” and how February decided to retaliate? February literally took just two days, guess she was mad at her big sister.
Just as February blew our minds, your blessing will continually blow up in the faces of your enemies!
However, if you haven’t started checking off your “New Year Resolution” list, it’s not too late to begin. Forget what I said about Christmas being upon us already, you can start now and make up for the wasted months.
The economy isn’t very favorable though, but there’s always an opportunity in every difficulty. I’m not a motivational speaker or a philosopher, so I won’t tell you to wake up at 4 am and study every written piece on success.
All I’d say in this post is that YOU, no matter what challenge you experience, “work” your way to the top and beat down that voice that says you can’t have a good life.
No matter what you do, keep in mind that success is no fluke or mistake. It takes sweat, determination, and hard work to get that good life.
Well, Aggital wishes you all the best things August has to offer and of course, a Happy New Year in Advance.