Instagram Hashtags for Growth

admin August 16, 20171 Comment
Hashtags Digital marketing

Instagram Hashtags for Growth

Using Instagram hashtags for growth in your business is still viable today despite the regular change in Instagram’s algorithms.

Hashtags have been around for a while and a few changes aren’t going to make it disappear just yet. People still use it to group posts for contests, get their target audience, find other people in their space and location, and get inspiration.

In order words, they can give you a boost in your marketing efforts. If you don’t already include hashtags in your posts, now is a good time to start while they are still hot.

Instagram allows you to use a total of 30 hashtags in each post and each tag has a specific number of times it has been used by other people on IG. While it’s great to use the very popular tags like #love or #instagood so you can get found by many people, they are over used and extremely generic. Which means that if you don’t have a lot of followers, your post will disappear in a matter of seconds because larger accounts use those tags too.

Unless you run a normal account with no dreams whatsoever of making any money from your page, be more strategic with the hashtags you use in your posts.

The right combination of hashtags will make you discoverable by a larger amount of people. When you’re more discoverable, you have a chance of getting more likes, more followers, and better engagement.

Using Instagram Hashtags for Growth

To choose the right Instagram Hashtags for growth, here are a few tips to consider:

  1. Check your competitor’s pages and see what hashtags they are using. You could also decide you do not want to copy their tags and search for other hashtags related to theirs.
  2. Consider related hashtags to your own. If you have had success with a particular tag, search for similar tags and add them to your collection.
  3. Try out hashtags that influencers in your niche are using. They already have an audience and are well known so why not learn from the experts.
  4. Instagram’s search function is your best friend. Use it. Type in a word that’s related to your business and select the tags tab. You will see a list of all the hashtags with that word and the number of posts it has been tagged to. Check out which ones are relevant to your post and your business and then pick from there.
  5. Variety is necessary. Don’t use all popular tags in your posts. If a tag has a lot of people using it, that means your post can easily disappear and would be harder to find. So your chosen tags should be a variety of niche specific tags with maybe 5000 and above and then popular tags with 200k upwards.

Using Instagram hashtags for growth in your posts will do you more good than you can imagine. So spend some time to do your research and start hashtagging your posts! If you are looking for someone who would do all that research for you and grow your page, click >>HERE

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