Love Letter to an Angel (Response)

Hello everyone! I trust y’all are doing great. Today we are going to be looking at the response to the poem titled; Love Letter to an Angel. Let’s get right to it.
Love Letter to an Angel (Response)
I once received a response for a letter I sent to an angel
She told me it had fallen out of the bag of a very unpleasant postman
And the wind had carried it unto her porch
She said it’s words had flattered her to tears
She said she’d read it every day for the past six years
I asked six years? So why had it taken her too long to show up
She said she’d been shy
And as every day went by, she watched me grow more into a man
Who even she was not sure she was good enough for
She told me that she loved my every poem
and watched every time I stepped on stage
She said she hated watching me slave away for that minimum wage
But have faith in the Lord, she said as she winked, cas it will be worth it one day

She said she’ll continue to read my letter daily
And that she was my biggest fan
But the only problem was my age
She didn’t date younger men
After all, she was like two millenniums older than me
But she still thought I was cute
And stopped to say one more thing before she flew away
But I already knew what she had to say
She pointed at my letter and said
“If a man truly wishes to fulfill his dreams,
reality can never get in the way”
Credit: Originally written and performed by Suli Breaks.
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