Nekelo Business solution – Website Design

Considering the results of secondary school students in the past two decades, as well as the products from universities, Nigerian educational system isn’t really moving in the right direction.
We’re in a competitive world, where accurate training is vital to the growth and development of any society. In fact, education is regarded as a fundamental human right in some parts of the world.
For Nigeria to compete favorably with global standards and develop her economy, it must look into its educational system. In its real sense, grooming the younger generation is the path towards achieving a productive, sustainable and competitive workforce.
The educational standard we presently maintain in Nigeria is not very reliable, it’s exactly why we need to provide more educational exposure for the younger generation.
Some NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organization) across Nigeria are dedicated to this course, Aggital is honored to have partnered with one of them.
Nekelo Business Solution is a duly registered indigenous company based in Benin City, Nigeria. They are a major player in educational tours, conferences and seminars for high school (secondary) students.
Nekelo organizes summer camps and programs in Nigeria and foreign countries and also help with University placement.

Basically, they make full arrangements for the students, this includes accommodation, feeding, and the general well-being of each student. Their major aim is getting students access to quality education in Nigeria and in diaspora.
With over 500 testimonials from students who have benefited from this course, we could conclude that Nekelo Business Solution has contributed to Nigeria’s educational system to some extent.
This educational course has helped improve knowledge for a bulk of students, thereby setting the Nigeria future workforce on a competitive path.
Consequently, Nekelo Business Solution is a partner training company for IMUNA (International Model United Nations Association), a U.S based non-profit organization, dedicated to promoting global education issues through simulation.
Both organizations have been involved in the selection, training, coaching and registration of Nigerian contingents since 2014.
With the vision to transform today’s young minds and prepare them for the future, their services covers students participation in all IMUNA conferences.
This also includes organizing Teens Camp Alive and they also match students with qualified educators for SAT and other foreign exams among others.
Nekelo Business Solution needed a website to further improve the status of the organization and make it more accessible and available to the world.

In addition to a website, a professional logo was required.
As a regular practice, we had a lengthy discussion which was aimed at understanding the business idea and concept behind the program.
Afterwards, the logo questionnaire was filled and we began to work based strictly on the Nekelo requirements.
We understand that a great website should never require a manual for easy navigation, so we made sure the website turned out to be very much accessible by virtually anyone.
Also, the website was optimized in order to enhance the load-time, so users don’t get put off while it’s loading.
However, the logo was created to make a first good impression on any individual. It’s not just about having a logo, it’s about having one that improves professionalism, that’s one belief we always run with.
In the end, we were able to please our client, the website and logo design totally represents the company and so far, Nekelo has been able to reach a wider audience and impact more lives.
We are really glad to have worked with Nekelo Solution and the partnership was mutually satisfactory.
It’s our duty to provide lasting solutions for improving business challenges, the success of our clients is what makes us want to do more.
We would be glad to hear from you now, fill our brief and let’s help you create a more professional outlook.