Rescinding Roe… Biblical Response! 0.8.

iruo August 19, 20220 Comments
rescinding roe v. wade

Hi people! How’s it hanging at your end? Still, on rescinding/overturning Roe from a biblical perspective, let’s continue where we left off. It is imperative to reiterate that this article addresses Roe v. Wade based off the tenets of Scripture, not based upon feelings, emotions, society or whatnot. Let’s get right to it.

So we left off talking about the eight asseveration which goes, “Jesus commands His church to accomplish the great commission, not to win a political election”, as well as about delving into practical applications.

Continuance of Rescinding Roe

Let’s get right to practical ways as to applying these asseverations learnt from biblical teachings. First practical application regarding Roe v. Wade.

Listen and Learn: Understand the reasons behind abortions and spend time with people from different perspectives. Let’s make our church groups or local assemblies safe spaces/places for people to share on all sorts of levels. Including reasons why they may have had abortions in the past. We love one another well by listening to one another well. If we are not willing to learn from people who have had an abortion or are considering abortion, people that have stories or perspectives that are different from us, we will never be able to get to the root of how to work most wisely on behalf of children in the womb and children out of the womb, and their moms and dads. Let’s listen and learn. Be quick to listen and slow to tweet and post.

Second practical application regarding Roe v. Wade.

Let’s support and Serve women and Men with Unwanted Pregnancies: How many men and women do you know personally who have or have had unwanted pregnancies? Like if we are not involved in others’ lives like this, how can we love and work for them and for their unborn children‽ As well as serve and support single parents and grandparents who find themselves in positions where there are no parents and they are the primary caregivers.

There are so many single parents in our midst right now, so let’s be in church groups or local assemblies where we are serving and supporting them in any and every way we can. Let’s be known as a community that is a haven, that’s a refuge of love and support for single parents and for grandparents who are often isolated or alone.Also, let’s serve and support foster and adoptive families

Second practical application regarding Roe v. Wade.

Let’s support and Serve women and Men with Unwanted Pregnancies: How many men and women do you know personally who have or have had unwanted pregnancies? Like if we are not involved in others’ lives like this, how can we love and work for them and for their unborn children‽ As well as serve and support single parents and grandparents who find themselves in positions where there are no parents and they are the primary caregivers.

There are so many single parents in our midst right now, so let’s be in church groups or local assemblies where we are serving and supporting them in any and every way we can. Let’s be known as a community that is a haven, that’s a refuge of love and support for single parents and for grandparents who are often isolated or alone. Also, let’s serve and support foster and adoptive families

rescinding roe v. wade

Third practical affirmation regarding Roe v. Wade.

Let’s Step Forward: This is particularly with those who have had an abortion in the past to share their burdens from the past with others, to not walk through that journey alone. Reach out to someone in your church group or local assembly. If anyone today or in the future find himself or herself considering abortion, please do share your struggles in present with others.

The high percentage of women who have had an abortion and are actively involved in the church, please, be sure not to feel like you need to walk this journey alone. This is part of what the body of Christ is and must be about; shouldering burdens and sharing struggles together in love

It is imperative to say to single parents, grandparents, and those considering abortion, that the church wants to be family with you. Be encouraged to actively join a church group today at your location.

Fourth practical application regarding Roe v. Wade.

Speak Up: This is in two ways; one is to speak before God in prayer. Don”t underestimate for a second the efficacy of prayer before God. Also, speak up before the government as we do justice and work for just laws and leaders, policies and practices in all kinds of ways described here including, but not limited to laws specifically and pertaining to abortion.

Practical application regarding Roe v. Wade.

Reach Out: There are so many ways this can and needs to play out across the church. Reach out through justice and work for high-risk communities so that the factors that lead to abortion are addressed. If we don’t address root issues of poverty, sexual activities, sexual abuse, affordable housing, healthcare, and on… Then we are just putting band-aids on broken limbs.

Let’s work for justice in high-risk communities, let’s give to work that protects and promotes life in the womb and quality of life outside the womb in all kinds of ways. Let’s reach out through volunteering at healthcare centres in specific ways; we can serve and support women and men with unwanted pregnancies. Notice men are included in the latter statement, this is because it is imperative for men to also serve in care centres to come alongside men through them, as well as women, caring for them, for their children, helping them make a plan for their children if that is necessary as we reach out through fostering or adopting children. There is so much that can be shared here, however, let’s stop here for now.

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