School vs Education. 1.4.

Hello, y’all! How’s it hanging at your end‽ Still on school vs education. Let’s pick it up where we left off.
P.S: If you haven’t read the prequels, pls do. There’s a link to them at the bottom of this page.
Anyway, let’s get right to it.
School vs Education (Continuance)
We need to open our minds,
but how can we be taught to see
if the blind lead the blind‽
The first person to develop
significant eye surgery was a black woman
named Dr. Patricia E Bath.
Now, on that note,
there’s a question I must ask.
If this is a great opportunity to learn
and be engaged about our past,
why are we not actually being taught about our past?
Transatlantic Slavery where we are taught
Black History starts,
but is it really?
There seems to be a lot you haven’t told us,
and you shut down,
and hold back on the bold ones
who stand against the way you are trying to mould us.
Consistent enemy of progress!
You are surprised because I know things
you don’t expect me to know yet.
And when I tell you you are wrong
for telling me things about me,
you call it a riot while I call it a protest.

The Broadwater Farm Riots,
The media exacerbates and make it seem like
it’s a bunch of delinquent youths on the streets.
When really, the first causing trigger
was death at the hands of the police.
We cease to know information
and the truth,
and that’s simply because
you withhold information from the youths.
Maybe, maybe one day,
we’ll be satisfied with how our knowledge of history equates.
Well, I’m sure like me,
y’all are waiting for the teacher to fill in that space. (Referring to the class)
So do so then… (Looking at the teacher, waiting for an answer from her)
Uhm… No answer.
Well, maybe I can help
and just throw out there some names..
Credit: Originally written and performed by Samuel King.
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