The Water Closet Mentality

Yes, you read that right, the same Water Closet. You might be wondering what it means or the idea behind the philosophy, well, it came about by a personal experience which I’ll share with you in a short while.
Meanwhile, Knowledge to me is a combination of two words; Know and edge. These two are intertwined in that what you know gives you an edge, and as we all know knowledge is power, when you acquire knowledge in an area you have the power to control that area.
The only reason why you’re an expert in your field and not in the other is because you have gained enough information to control that area of specialization.
If you want to be proficient in another field, you’ll need information in that area as well. This information when acquired, gives you an edge over others.
Therefore, if Knowledge means having an edge over others because of what you know, I think we should strive to know.
How do we know? I believe we learn either by practice, reading, coaching, hearing or by direct experience. The later was how I came about the Water Closet mentality. Here’s the story I promised to share:
It was a peaceful evening with cool breeze whistling sweet melodies, I was in church for our monthly vigil. I went directly from work so I was very much early for service.
After reading some pages from my current book; The Spirit of Leadership by Late Dr Myles Munroe I fell asleep only to be awakened by a sharp pain in my spine and lower abdomen. This signifies a horrendous bowel movement (I had beans and fried potatoes earlier that day).
As expected, I hurried for the toilet to empty my bowels.

The first 60 seconds was terrifying! It was a non-stop orchestrated sound of war chants and splatter followed by a heavy sigh of relief (I bet you can relate). You’d think it was the call to action for the Biafra soldiers if you were by the door or in the next toilet cell.
Then came the nauseating aroma receding such orchestration, I was almost choking and I couldn’t cry for help from the reward of my efforts. All I could do was to endure my crucible.
You know how after the first stanza of the hymn you have refrain before you take the next? That was exactly what happened!
After the first phase of continuous sounds, splatter and terrible odour, I was stopped in my reverie by a startling thought, it was like an apple fell on my head.
This was the thought; if I’m feeling this way, how would the toilet bowl who is the recipient of the substance itself feel?
The realization was startling.
I felt bad and sorry for the toilet bowl. Like the wise king Solomon would say, I considered and applied my heart to knowledge. This object, as lifeless as it was came to my rescue in time of dire need. Yet, I relieved myself with it in an uncultured manner.
Most people would even leave it without flushing. Little wonder why you’ll always see a notice behind the doors and entrance to a toilet, be it public or private asking if you have flushed the toilet. This is something that we shouldn’t be reminded of.
Although, it’s heartbreaking yet we see people who use others like the toilet. The same people who came to their aid in time of need are being left uncared for. Some are friends, some colleagues, and some are acquaintances, even their parents.
They forget all that has been done to help them and mortify the sacrifices and commitment of men that made them what they have become. They destroy the same ladder that took them to the top.
Likewise, they forget the fact that the same people they meet while going up is the same they’ll meet when they’re coming down.
I’m not cursing anyone now, but he that is down needs no fall. It is he that is up that should be careful not to fall.
Are you enslaved by this philosophy? My advice to you is to repent (I’m not meaning to sound like an evangelist but that’s the right word I guess). Cultivate the habit of adding value to relationships and conversation with loved ones. Also, learn to nurture healthy relationships with acquaintances.
Not forgetting that the only thing that counts after all your toil is the value of your relationships.
Stop doing things for show off and because of a seeming reward. You should do things for love and because you want to be a good person. Don’t take little sacrificial efforts for granted, a little thank you means a lot.
What are your plans for the weekend? Do share your thoughts with us.
Very true. Wonderful piece
Most people are “users” and they have a “fixed mindset” that when they have gotten favours from others or what they require from the person at the time then the person, people or organization isn’t useful to them anymore and life is good and fine with them. But life itself is a cycle and people just never know when you need the same people you failed to appreciate and hold in high esteem. So when it comes to that, what will such a person do? We should always learn to be appreciative of the little things people do for us, be it in any kind of relationship.
Thank you, Nikky.
Wonderful article
Nice write-up
Wow! This is a beautiful write up and at the same time the truth well served. The human race doesn’t realize that relationships keep us in the end. I really wish everyone will see this and amend their ways. Well done @oladipupo_onaopemipo
Thanks Kome. I pray so too.
“The people you meet on your way up are the same you’ll meet while coming down” many people do not really understand this, They always feel they can use and dump people and see other people as useless, not minding the fact that “TABLE TURN.” ……………….Anyway Onaopemipo thanks for the write-up. God bless you.
I’m grateful ma. God bless you too. Thank you!
What a beautiful piece for a wonderful weekend. Enough truth inside of this piece.
Nothing can take the place of relationship in everyone lives because you cannot laugh alone and it makes sense, you cannot work alone and get maximum results….
Relationship valued can make us better so let’s start valuing ourselves.
Thanks, Sarah. You raised a valid point “You cannot laugh alone” except you’re mad. Do have a desired weekend dear.
A word is enough for the wise. This article is mind-blowing. Keep it up bro!!! We need to stop treating ourselves like a water closet cos no one stays in the toilet when it’s not needed, we only go to the toilet for excretion (empty our bowel)… Learn to treat your friends like a king and queen everyday and not just when they are needed for support or what a view.
God bless for the article bro. Keep it up…
Thanks, Pharouq. your advice is very much appreciated. God bless you too, and have a wonderful weekend!
Quite thoughtful. Wow Nice one!
Oh.. Wow!!!
Really, this needs to get to the whole world. I want to be an agent of this kind of change.
A very good one. ?
Thanks, Ayomide. Keep spreading the news.
Exactly my first thought, that this should get to whole world.
Thanks Uzo dear! Let’s spread the news together!
Great reflection you have there, adding value to relationships no matter how small. Acknowledging those who were once there for us. Golden.
Many thanks Sir.
Well carved. Relationship is key in All.
Welldone! My prayer is that we should learn to apply these in our daily activities and actions.
A big amen to that Uzo!
Very insightful. One needs to consider the other person’s feelings too…regardlesss of how one is feeling at any time.
Yes Kiitan, Thanks for taking time to read and comment dear. Much Love!
Waoh! This is a masterpiece. It resonates with a write up of mine. Well done boss
Double Wow. Awesome article. I love the convergence. I didn’t see it coming until I got to that ‘part’. Wonderful Boss.
‘That part’, Hehehehehehehe. Thank you Kemi, Thank You!
Sir, but why did you have to make us relive that bowel movement experience with you? The description was too on point 😂. But you brought it all together so well. Relationships are to be valued, and even when differences arise, we must learn to be wise and settle peacefully. Even if that relationship has to end, we must try to end on a good note.We shouldn’t burn bridges because we never can tell which ones we will need on our way back. Thanks for sharing sir. There’s always something to learn from your post. Keep up the good work!